Frequently Asked Questions

Student in classWhat are the qualifications for joining the Honors Program?

Incoming first semester students are invited to join if they have a high school GPA of 3.5 and a combined SAT score of at least 1250 (or an ACT score of at least 26).

Students who do not meet both of these requirements may apply for admission to the Honors Program based on the strength of either an excellent GPA with a minimum of 1100 on the combined SAT (23 on the ACT) or an excellent SAT/ACT score with at least a 3.25日平均绩点. Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.

Transfer and current students may apply to the Honors Program if they have a GPA of 3.5 or above. All Honors courses taken at other NCHC participating colleges and universities will transfer in as FSU Honors credit.

Students demonstrating considerable creative ability, as evidenced by papers, 项目, creative writing, musical composition, 艺术作品, or musical performance may also be admitted on an individual basis.

Can students join the Honors Program after their first semester?

在课堂上是的. After their first semester, students are accepted into the program on the basis of their college GPA.

Can transfer students join the Honors Program?

是的. And if the student has been participating in an Honors Program at a community college or other four-year institution, the Honors credits taken there can transfer as well. The only Honors courses needed then might be FSU’s upper level Honors requirements: (ENGL 312) Honors Advanced Composition, and the two (IDIS 491) Honors seminars.

Is it harder to get A grades in Honors classes?

No. 事实上, most of our Honors students get higher grades in their Honors classes because of the smaller sizes and added interaction with their professors.

Do students take all of their classes as Honors classes?

No. Of the 120 credits required for graduation, only 24 need to be Honors credits. Since ours is a program of Honors in General Education, most of the Honors credits are taken during the first two years. An “ideal” program would be to take four Honors classes freshman year, two sophomore year, and one each junior and senior years.

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